Nuchal Translucency Assessment

Nuchal Translucency (NTS) Assessment is performed during week 12 of your pregnancy and calculates a risk for your pregnancy in relation to Down’s, Edward’s, and Patau’s Syndrome.

Your health professional may request NTS for you as part of your general pre-natal imaging care or because of specific increased risk factors for fetal aneuploidy, such as advanced maternal age.

The NTS will proceed as a standard obstetric ultrasound with a transabdominal scan. During the transabdominal ultrasound, warm gel is applied, and the ultrasound probe is placed on the abdomen. Gentle pressure is applied to obtain clear images of the pelvic organs and foetal anatomy.

Occasionally a transvaginal ultrasound scan may also be required. This involves a small, thin probe being introduced a short distance into the vagina to better view the fetus. This is a simple, painless and safe procedure.

Transvaginal scans are completely at the discretion of the patient and written consent is required. 

Our imaging technician will perform a full review of the fetal anatomy and obtain measurements of the nuchal skin fold, which is a section of skin at the back of the baby's neck, nasal bone, ductus venosus and tricuspid regurgitation.  

On completion on your examination, our analysis will commence.  Your risk will be calculated using the ultrasound measurements in conjunction with your blood test results.

We are one of the few sites in Queensland that offer formal counselling and detailed discussion of your NTS result. This is undertaken by our specialist consultant radiologist, Dr Paula Sivyer, and is available at your request.

If you choose to have a formal consultation and discussion of your results, Dr Sivyer will advise you of the result and talk to you about any further steps that may be required or recommended and answer any questions you may have.

If you do not choose to have a formal discussion of your results with Dr Sivyer, a comprehensive imaging report will be sent electronically to your referring health professional.